IT Audit & Health Check
An IT audit is a thorough assessment of all information technology infrastructure used by the business.

Complete IT Audit Services
An excellent technique to examine your systems and make sure they are adequately protected from cyber attacks is to conduct an independent IT health check. It makes sure that your IT infrastructure is correctly setup and patched with the best practises to maximise performance and remove security risks. It is performed on both your internal and external IT systems.
TLS-IT provides IT Health Checks & Audits as an exhaustive and impartial evaluation of your IT systems to spot any weaknesses and ensure that you’re utilising the best and most up-to-date IT practises. An IT Health Check & Audit, provided by our Professional Services team, will look for weaknesses in your environment and generate action plans to address any risks or issues found.
Advantages of TLS-IT Health Checks & Audits

Identify Vulnerabilities and Risks
Identify potential vulnerabilities and risks in your external and internal IT infrastructure, as well as individual systems.

Protect Against Future Issues and Problems
Protect your organisation from downtime and productivity loss by identifying and correcting weaknesses before they are exploited.

Improve Cyber Security Awareness
Promotes cyber security awareness throughout your organisation to ensure that employees and users are adhering to basic best security practises.

Full Audit and Reporting
Receive a thorough audit and report on your environment that includes any weaknesses discovered, suggestions for improvement, and a road plan for fixing any problems.

Action Planning and Modification
To ensure that your environment is secure and protected, TLS-IT can put measures and action plans into place to address any flaws or problems detected there.

Maintain Best Practices
Recognize the areas of your organisation where best practises and procedures are not being followed, and put measures in place to guarantee that they are.
Basic Quality & Control Principles
- Simplicity – TLS IT can prove that compliance with high-quality standards is much more effective in case of a maximally simplified system of rules and regulation, clear for all employees.
- Smooth control – we provide consulting of how to perform the complex control of all parts of your business processes.
- Flexibility – TLS IT makes quality and compliance service maximally flexible offering numerous plans and packages, working by the schedule comfortable for a customer.
- Enough level of support –we provide as much support as you require for establishing proper Quality & Compliance control on your enterprise, being available 24/7.
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Get into the greatest and outstanding services provided by our team of specialists and keep your business clear of technical difficulties.